Chính sách dịch vụ

GoDEX cung cấp cho khách hàng chất lượng dịch vụ khách hàng và hỗ trợ kỹ thuật cao nhất trong ngành. Khi bạn liên hệ với GoDEX, bạn ngay lập tức liên hệ với những người thực sự có đủ năng lực và động lực để phục vụ bạn. Không có trả lời giọng nói tự động, không có tin nhắn, không có sự chậm trễ và không có phí; chỉ là dịch vụ tuyệt vời. Để tận hưởng trải nghiệm dịch vụ GoDEX, chỉ cần gọi cho chúng tôi hoặc gửi e-mail cho chúng tôi và bạn sẽ nhận được dịch vụ chất lượng cao riêng tư xứng đáng và câu trả lời nhanh chóng mà bạn mong đợi.

Sửa chữa sản phẩm

GoDEX đã xây dựng một mạng lưới các đối tác cao cấp chuyên biệt toàn cầu và đang tiếp tục mở rộng mạng lưới. Các đối tác của chúng tôi cung cấp các dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng vượt trội và luôn tự hào về thời gian phản hồi nhanh. Vui lòng liên hệ với một trong những nhân viên GoDEX chuyên nghiệp của chúng tôi nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào liên quan đến việc sửa chữa sản phẩm.

Bảo hành

Thời gian bảo hành có thể khác nhau theo khu vực, vui lòng kiểm tra tại điểm mua của bạn. Bảo hành không có hiệu lực nếu hư hỏng/trục trặc do xử lý/sử dụng không đúng cách, phá hủy. Bảo hành không có hiệu lực nếu máy in bị tháo gỡ bởi người dùng cuối cùng hoặc các trung tâm sửa chữa không được GoDEX ủy quyền.

Hoàn trả sản phẩm

Chính sách hoàn trả sản phẩm có thể khác nhau theo khu vực, vui lòng kiểm tra tại điểm mua của bạn.

Đối với Tất cả các câu hỏi về Kỹ thuật, vui lòng điền vào biểu mẫu bên dưới và chúng tôi sẽ sớm liên hệ lại với bạn.

Nhân viên bán hàng và kỹ thuật của GoDEX rất có trình độ để hiểu ứng dụng mã vạch cụ thể của bạn và sau đó đề xuất các giải pháp thay thế tốt nhất để cung cấp cho bạn giải pháp có giá trị mà bạn cần.

Ngoài ra, GoDEX sẽ kết nối bạn với một trong những đối tác đại lý được chứng nhận của chúng tôi trong khu vực của bạn, chuyên về các giải pháp mã vạch cho các yêu cầu cụ thể của bạn. Đối tác đại lý của chúng tôi sẽ làm việc với bạn qua điện thoại và gặp trực tiếp, cung cấp giải pháp phần mềm và dịch vụ cho ứng dụng của bạn.

Cảm ơn!

Chi tiết

Nếu câu hỏi của bạn liên quan đến sản phẩm, vui lòng điền vào số kiểu máy mà bạn yêu cầu.


Thông tin cá nhân


Sản xuất các sản phẩm và dịch vụ chất lượng cao là một trong những ưu tiên kinh doanh cao nhất tại GODEX. Là một công ty công nghệ phần cứng, chúng tôi nhận thấy rằng để GODEX cung cấp cho khách hàng sự hài lòng cao nhất, chúng tôi cần cung cấp cho họ những sản phẩm hoàn hảo, được hỗ trợ bởi dịch vụ khách hàng đặc biệt và chu đáo.

Với nền tảng là quy trình Quản lý Chất lượng Toàn diện được chứng nhận ISO 9001:2015 và ISO 14001:2015, GODEX đã chứng minh được khả năng trong việc tạo và thực hiện các mức chất lượng cao trong tất cả các hoạt động kinh doanh của mình.

Không có khiếm khuyết, 100% sự hài lòng của khách hàng và cải tiến liên tục, là những tiêu chuẩn của chúng tôi; hàng nghìn khách hàng hài lòng trên toàn thế giới là minh chứng của chúng

Một số yếu tố chính trong Chương trình Chất lượng GODEX bao gồm:

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  • Khuyến khích cho việc thực hiện chất lượng
Chế tạo
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  • Quá trình phát triển sản phẩm EVT, DVT, MVT, MP
  • Phương pháp lắp ráp SOP
  • Đào tạo và cấp chứng chỉ cho nhân viên
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Các nhà cung cấp
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Khách hàng
  • Sự hiểu biết tuyệt đối về nhu cầu và mong đợi của khách hàng
  • Đảm bảo rằng GoDEX có các nguồn lực cần thiết và vượt quá yêu cầu của khách hàng
  • Đang tiến hành đo lường mức độ hài lòng của khách hàng
  • Phân tích nguyên nhân gốc rễ và quy trình hoạt động sửa chữa khắc phục trong vòng lặp khép kín
Danh mục

In today’s technology-based society, software is designed to make things much easier for you the user. Barcode software has the same idea. It can make your life easier when working with barcodes, in many different ways. There is barcode “design” software and barcode “application” software. We will discuss barcode design software first.

Barcode design software works by making it easy for you to create and print barcode labels.  Most barcode design software is based on a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) user interface which in effect means, you use drag and drop, icon based controls to design your barcode label on your computer screen. No complex barcode programming is required. It’s sort of works like the Microsoft Paint program.A really great barcode design software is GoDEX’s own and free Qlabel software.  It comes free with every GoDEX barcode printer.  There are many other barcode design software packages on the market ranging in price from free to many thousands of dollars.

Barcode application software has to do with using barcodes inside of a specific business operations process.
A good example is the grocery retail application. When an item is scanned at check out, it is looked up in the product database for price and to make an inventory adjustment. If an item is not in the barcoding application software, it will come up as “not found.”  At that point the clerk will need to ask someone to “go and get” the price and product number.  Then the clerk will key punch that information into the cash register to complete the sale and to make the necessary inventory adjustment.   
Barcode application software can be used for all kinds of business process and applications, including the use of barcodes to manage patient information in hospitals with barcoded wristbands, barcoded chart labels, barcoded specimens, and barcoded medications. This barcode application technology is quite new, but makes tracking patients, monitoring medications and maintain accurate patient records much faster and much more accurate compared to traditional non-barcode based hospital information systems.

Barcode application software is commonly used for shipping labels as well.The most well known and common application are the UPS and FedEx label shipping and label printing applications.  In these shipping applications labels are created and used to create a shipping label which is applied to a package and then track that package from the sender to the receiver. The barcode on the package is scanned at every point of transfer of the package and the user can track the geographical position of the package and even determine when it is expected to arrive at its final destination.
Warehouses use barcode application software to keep track of inventory. In some cases products are handled on pallets and each pallet is identified with a barcode label. The barcode label could contain information regarding the shipper and the receiver as well as the contents of the product on the pallet, the quantity, and what time it arrived in the warehouse. 

There are scores of great barcode design software and literally thousands of barcode application software packages.  To figure out what barcode design and application software you need, it is best to take the time to document your requirements and process first, and then contact an industry professional for ideas and proposals.  GoDEX and other suppliers can help you with this process if you like.  GoDEX has hundreds of value add resellers around the world who can support just about any barcoding requirement.

About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the USA, Europe, and China and its products are distributed world-wide.

Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers?  Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers,  wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

Printer Categories Discontinued Products End of Life Date Replacement Products
Desktop Printers EZ-4TT 12/31/2003 EZ-1100 
  EZ-2/EZ-2S/EZ-2PS 5/1/2008 EZ-DT-2
  EZ-1000/EZ-1200/EZ-1300 5/1/2008 EZ-1100Plus/EZ-1200P/EZ-1300Plus 
  BZB-2 12/31/2009 BZB-2U
  EZ-1200PLUS/EZ-1300PLUS 12/31/2009  G500/G530
  EZ-DT-2 3/1/2013 DT2
  EZ-DT-4  3/1/2013 DT4
  EZ-1105/EZ1305 3/1/2013 G300/G330
  BZB-2U  3/1/2013 DT2/DT2x
  HD90 8/1/2013 DT4x
  DT2 6/30/2015 DT2x
  DT4 6/30/2015 DT4x
  EZPi1200/EZPi1300 6/30/2015 RT700i/RT730i
  RT860i 12/31/2017 RT863i
  EZ1100Plus 12/31/2018 G500/G530
  G300/G330、G525/G535 12/31/2019 GE300/GE330
Industral Pirnters EZ-4206/EZ-4304 12/31/2003 EZ-2200/EZ-2300
  EZ-2100/EZ-2200/EZ-2300 5/1/2008 EZ-2100Plus/EZ-2200Plus/EZ-2300Plus
  EZ-2100Plus/EZ-2200Plus/EZ-2300Plus 6/30/2015 EZ2050/EZ2250i/EZ2350i
  EZ6200Plus/EZ6300Plus 12/31/2018 EZ6250i/EZ6350i
Scanners GS520、GS200 / GS200AS、 GS100 11/1/2021
Rewinder  LR1000 4/30/2012 T10/T20
Accessories EZ-Viewer 4/30/2012
  UART-Ethernet card 4/30/2012
Mobile Printers MX20 11/11/2022

One of the most common questions related to barcode printing is whether direct thermal or thermal transfer printing is the right option for any given application. Both offer advantages for specific types of products. Labels only expected to last for six months or fewer, for example, would be well served with a direct thermal printer. But for products that will deal with harsh conditions or that need to last longer, thermal transfer may be a better solution.

Let’s take a look at each barcode printing option.

Direct Thermal Printing

Direct thermal uses heat to create the image or text directly to the material—in the form of chemically treated label stock -without the use of a ribbon. This involves the print head coming into direct contact with the heat-sensitive material. Although this decreases the print head life, users will save money on printer configuration costs.

The direct thermal process involves no ink, ribbons, or toner. The printed materials are more susceptible to damage from air, sun, fluids, light, and heat abrasion compared to thermal transfer. This may result in images being unreadable due to fading or normal wear and tear. However, this might not matter for products that have a short supply chain life, such as visitors’ passes, shipping labels, and event tickets.

Additionally, direct thermal printers tend to be simple and easy to use. They also have a chemical coating, making them resistant to water damage. These printers, for the most part, only do black and white printing and cannot create the very fine lines necessary for some types of barcodes.

Thermal Transfer Printing

This process uses a heated ribbon to apply heat to the printing surface. Thermal transfer printing is best for barcodes because it produces a high-quality, accurate, and long-lasting image. It also can create precise widths that are often necessary for barcode lines.

Thermal transfer printers accept a wide range of materials beyond paper, including polyester, polypropylene, and other synthetic materials. This durable printing technique is ideal for outdoor uses, identification tags, and other uses. Thermal transfer can withstand a variety of conditions, including ultraviolet exposure and extreme temperatures. And, they are available in a wide variety of colors, label stocks, and adhesives.

As you make your decision, it’s important to understand your actual needs and whether it’s worth investing in a thermal transfer application over a direct thermal printer. Speak with a barcode printing expert if you need assistance with this decision.

GoDEX offers a broad range of feature-rich printers, along with excellent customer service. The company started making barcode printers 20 years ago, and since then has been in the business of delivering value for a global customer base.

If you are somewhat new to the world of barcode printing, you may be wondering about the differences among 600 dpi, 300 dpi, and 200 dpi printers. 

First, it is worth noting that dpi stands for “dots per inch.” For example, a 600 dpi barcode printer is capable of producing 600 dots per inch. It will create a much higher resolution image than a 200 dpi printer.

The number of dots is related to the density of pinheads on the thermal transfer ribbon. An ink-dot printed on the label material corresponds with a dot on the pinhead.

Advantages of 600 dpi Printers

When it comes down to it, barcodes consist of a series of narrow and wide bars. The white space between each bar is also set. Precision is a key factor in ensuring readability, and the quality of the barcode image is considerably better at 600 dpi.

Printers operating at 200 dpi are good for text, images, and numbers. However, these images will not appear as clean and crisp as those on a 600 dpi printer. Lower-resolution images are acceptable for large barcodes but do not work so well for smaller applications.

While high-resolution printers tend to be more expensive than their low-resolution counterparts, they also offer some key advantages:

• High-resolution barcodes are easier for scanners to read, thereby minimizing potential problems with faulty barcodes

• Large retailers often prefer their products to have high-resolution barcodes

• High-resolution barcodes occupy less space on the product, allowing for more text or images to shine through

• A 600 dpi printer creates barcodes that are .66 inches, compared to 1 inch on a 200 dpi printer

• Depending on your company’s needs, you may require a smaller barcode to meet industry requirements

For certain products and applications that need small barcodes, a 600 dpi printer is highly recommended. This is likely the case if you need to print barcodes for circuit boards, small asset tracking tag, labels inside of electronics, and QR codes.

Printing a high-quality barcode label

Factors that impact the quality of the barcode label include a well-cared-for print head, using the correct type of label, and working with a label design that matches the printer’s dpi. If you have a high-resolution image, but a low-resolution printer, the resulting barcode may be pixelated and unreadable.

GoDEX offers high-quality barcode printers that come with easy-to-use, well-designed software.The company is the industry leader when it comes to delivering high-performance, reliable printers, and customer service.

There are many companies that make a variety of products in the barcode label printer category. The oldest companies have specialized in big expensive thermal transfer printers for many years. On the other hand, GoDEX International offers a great selection of value-priced barcode printers for most all common barcode printing applications. GoDEX was established in 1993, and is a global engineering company that specializes in barcode printing products. GoDEX is headquartered in Taiwan, but serves the entire globe with their full line of barcode label printing products.

GoDEX products are distributed globally by technology dealers know as value-added resellers, or VARS. These companies are proven to be capable of operating, installing, and supporting the GoDEX brand of barcode label printers in the end user environment before they become authorized as a GoDEX value-add reseller. In the 28 years that GoDEX International has been in business, they have created many different types of thermal barcode printers, including the very popular retails printer, the G500. This is just one example of the user-friendly barcode products that GoDEX has provided to the barcode industry.

Zebra is the largest and another popular barcode label printer manufacturer and has had many different mergers and acquisitions over the years. Other well known barcode label printer manufacturers include companies like Epson, Sato, TSC, cab and Toshiba TEC etc. These companies all have their own background and experience in the manufacture of thermal printers, industrial barcode printers, thermal transfer printer products, barcode scanners, and other products that are designed for use in the barcode and thermal printing industry. In choosing the ‘best’ of these manufacturers, the decision generally comes down to application requirement, budget and brand preference. Each company has their own unique strengths in their offerings of thermal and barcode printing products.

About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products and the only company with it’s own developed Label Edit software – Golabel that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the USA, Europe, Taiwan, and China and its products are distributed world-wide.

Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers? Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers, direct thermal printer, mobile printer, wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

There are many different barcode types to choose from when printing barcode labels . Each barcode type is called a symbology. The term ‘barcode’ refers to any printed symbol that is designed to represent data that can be easily read by computers. Most commonly, people are familiar with one dimensional (1-D) barcodes which are represented by a series of vertical black and white lines and are used on product labels and shipping labels. 

There are about 20 types of one dimensional barcodes; each suited for a specific application. Symbologies that are common in 1-D barcode labels include code 39, code 128, UPC, and EAN. Code 39 is much older and very simple, while code 128 allows coding more data in a smaller barcode symbology. UPC is used in retailing of products specifically. EAN codes are becoming more standard around the world to be used in a variety of retail applications. There are many other symbologies that you can find to use, but these are the most common. Depending on your intended use, you will choose a different 1-D symbology for your needs. 
Two dimensional (2-D) barcode symbologies can contain even more data in an even smaller space. For example the entire Gettysburg Address can be encoded in a symbol the size of a postage stamp when using very high density code PDF 417. The PDF 417barcode symbol has become very popular with package delivery companies. 2-D barcodes are represented by rows of black and white squares stacked on each other. Popular 2-D barcode symbologies include PDF 417, code 49, and Data Matrix. For more examples of 2-D barcodes please refer to

Most barcode scanners can read all types of symbologies, however special scanners are required to read 2-D symbologies. A barcode reader can be connected into handheld devices or integrated with a desktop computer. There are lasers and imagers that read these codes, and each has its own benefits. Lasers are best for 1-D barcodes and imagers are best for 2-D barcodes. Barcode printers have to be very precise because the spacing and density when printing the black and white symbologies is critical.  Laser printers are ok for printing some low density 1-D barcodes, but  thermal printers are actually preferred for printing sharp high density barcode symbologies and creating fewer mistakes in barcode labels and barcode printing. 
About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the USA, Europe, and China and its products are distributed world-wide.

Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers?  Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers,  wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

There are many different kinds of barcode printers that will enable you to print barcodes. Every printer almost, is capable of producing simple barcodes using the right software, ink, and paper supply. You can print barcodes from your home inkjet printer if you have a reasonably high quality printer, but if you really want high quality barcodes, there are other better ways to print. Let’s review four of the most common printing technology and see which one is best for barcode printing.
Ink jet printers: These are used in small business applications and in home offices. There are a few issues with inkjet printing.  With ink jet printers it is very difficult to print on one label at a time.  Only sheets of multiple labels can be printed in an ink jet.  Also the barcodes produced by ink jet printers tend to have rough edges because the ink bleeds and seeps into the paper.  And last, barcodes produced by ink jet printers are vulnerable to erosion by water and other common liquids.  Ink jets are OK for printing pages of the same barcode, but are not the best choice.

Dot matrix printers: Dot matrix printers can be likened to a typewriter to get the general idea of how it works. The printhead mechanism has a matrix of mechanical pins that form different characters and then the printhead is struck against an ink ribbon to print in the correct shape. Because dot matrix printers cannot print bars with very sharp edges, they are not considered adequate for barcode printing, especially when compared to other printing options for barcodes. However, dot matrix printers are great at printing carbon copies and multi-page forms, which inkjet, thermal, and laser printers are not capable of. Dot matrix is not a good choice for printing barcode.
Laser printers: Laser printers, like inkjet printers, are generally used for sheet fed labels. Laser printers rely on a toner to be transferred to the paper to create an image and like ink jets this process does not produce bars that have the sharp edges that quality barcode symbologies require. In addition, laser printers require sheet feed labels through a complex and hot paper path. This results in lots of label peeling off inside of the machine causing jams and maintenance issues. These printers are great for small businesses and home office document printing applications, but are not ideal for printing on demand high quality barcodes.
Thermal printers: A thermal transfer printer is without a doubt the most popular technology for printing high quality barcode labels. This printer is designed to use heat to transfer the ‘ink’ (wax or resin) to the paper in transfer printing. In direct thermal printing, the print head simply causes the chemically treated paper to react, imprinting the image inside of the label media. Thermal barcode labels come on a roll and on demand one by one label printing is possible.  Also thermal printers are the best at creating barcodes with the absolute sharpest edges which means a higher quality barcode symbology and better scanning accuracy.  In addition, thermal printers can print on a wide variety of synthetic label materials, so durability and longevity of the printed barcode is maximized. And last, thermal barcode printers are very economical and easy to use.

These are the most common forms of barcode printers that are used today. Thermal printing is by far, the most popular option simply because of its accuracy, flexibility, and low cost.

About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the USA, Europe, Taiwan, and China and its products are distributed 


Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers?  Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers,  wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

Put simply, a barcode is a machine-readable representation of data, either in one-dimension or two-dimension format. The benefits of barcoding are speed of data entry and accuracy. Black and white bars or matrix patterns are used to create the barcode, and depending on whether it is 1-D or 2-D. A 1-D barcode appears as vertical black and white lines, commonly seen on the products on our grocery and retail stores. A 2-D barcode will look like little black and white squares stacked on each other.  The most common and public usage of 2-D barcode is by FedEx.  They use 2-D PDF 417 barcode to track every package they ship.


The first bar code patent was issued in 1952 to Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver, using what looked like a bulls-eye symbol that was made of concentric circles. Bar codes were used as far back as 1932 when a group of students who did a project where they required customers to select their merchandise by removing the correct punch cards from the catalog that corresponded with the items that they wanted. In 1970, the Uniform Grocery Product Code Council and McKinsey & Co. created a numeric format for product identification in bar codes. In 1973, George J. Laurer invented the UPC (Universal Product Code) that we know today. Commercial bar codes were not used until the mid to late 1960s, and the initial application was for industrial use. Some of the early adopters of barcode technology were the railroads and the US Postal Service.


In 1967,bar codes were used on the American Railroad, known as KarTrak. It took almost 7 years before there was 95% coverage of the fleet, but the project was ultimately abandoned in 1975 because of the technical difficulties in reading the barcodes.  At that time, a similar technology call RFID (radio frequency identification) became available but was considered far too expensive, so it was not used. However by 1991 RFID technology had improved and become less expensive and it became mandatory for all rail cars to be identified with an RFID tag.


The US Post started studying applications and uses for barcodes in mail delivery during the early 1970’s and by 1982 the US Postal Service implemented the POSTNET code for tracking mail delivery across the United States. Within five years the US Post had installed barcoding systems in most every major city in the US.


The actual first invention of the barcode was done by the Irish, and likely based on the Irish alphabet from the first centuries AD, which looks like a form of bar code itself. Today, barcodes have a variety of applications, including identifying retail products, mail sorting, warehouse use, and even for patient identification and tracking in hospitals.


About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the US, Europe, Taiwan and China and its products are distributed world-wide.



Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers?  Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers,  wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

Thermal printer applications are found all over the business world. These printers are used for printing barcode labels, receipts at stores, and many other labels and types of printed materials that require special printing practices. A thermal transfer printer has a print head that uses heat to create an images on labels and tags.  A printhead is essentially a very small wire imbedded in a silicone glass structure, a few microns from the surface.  There are two types of printing, direct thermal and thermal transfer.

In direct thermal printing the media (labels, tags, receipts, etc.) contain a heat sensitive die and when activated by the heat energy of the printhead, create images on the paper, such as barcodes, alpha numeric, graphics, etc. In thermal transfer printing a special ribbon is used instead of heat sensitive die, in order to create an image on the label.

The ribbons used in a thermal printer or barcode label printer are made of two basic materials: wax or resin. Depending on the quality of printing and the type of labels being printed, you can choose from wax ribbons (cost-effective but not high quality), wax/resin ribbons (good quality and cost), and resin ribbons (high cost AND high quality).  The heat will heat up the ribbon in the right areas depending on what is being printed, and thermally transfer the ink in those areas to the thermal paper, creating the desired text, image, barcode, or other printed information. 
When people talk about the ‘ink’ used in a thermal printer, they’re not really talking about ink at all. There is no ink involved in thermal printing. The wax or resin ribbons that you choose is actually very thin plastic material, that is somewhat similar to the look and feel of common kitchen plastic wrap except that the plastic substrate is coated with a dry black pigment sometimes called ink. If it is a way ribbon, the pigment is way and obviously if it is a resin ribbon, the pigment is resin.  The process of making wax, wax/resin and resin ribbons is very complex, and there are many varieties available for most any application.

Ribbons that are made of pure resin are not used for printing on paper. Resin is intended for printing on synthetic materials and applications where labels will be outdoors, overexposed to contact, or otherwise have a need for extreme durability. Whether you are printing barcode labels or any other types of materials on thermal printer mechanisms, they are effective at providing a unique printing process that uses heat, rather than direct contact, to transfer ink to the thermal paper. This is a specialty type of printing, but has changed the way that many businesses operate by giving them a better way of printing receipts, bar codes, and other materials.
About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the US, Europe and China and its products are distributed world-wide.


Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers?  Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers,  wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

A thermal transfer printer is the most common type of technology used in barcode printing. It works by a printhead heating a ribbon made of either wax or resin, or a combination of the two, and then transferring the image on the thermal paper. The printhead is controlled by the printers logic and graphics control, from printer commands most commonly sent from a computer based barcode printing software application.


Thermal transfer labels are high quality, easily scanned, attractive, durable, and made to last for a very long time. In some cases thermal transfer labels may be more expensive to produce than direct thermal labels, but they still remain as the most popular barcode printing technology.


Direct thermal printing uses a chemically treated paper that turns black when heated under the print head. There is no thermal transfer ribbon ink involved; direct thermal printing is completed by simply applying heat to the paper. This type of printing is simple, affordable and portable, and is commonly used on store receipts and tickets. Since the paper is chemically treated, rather than using a thermal transfer imaging process, the direct transfer labels are much more susceptible to fading over time and can be damaged by direct sun light. However, when it comes to sales receipts and retail pricing tags, longevity and durability are generally not an issue.


In choosing the right type of printing technology for your needs, you will need to determine how long you want your labels to last and what will be the environment of the printed labels. For more affordable printing in a retail environment or for basic shipping labels, a direct thermal printer would suffice. Of course, if you are printing on synthetics or need longer lasting and more durable labels, thermal transfer will be the better choice. It might be a bit more expensive, but thermal transfer printing quality is unmatched and will provide you with great looking labels that last a long time.


If you are unsure about choosing direct thermal or thermal transfer printing, your safe bet is to choose thermal transfer. Thermal transfer printing is a bit more complicated than direct thermal because it uses a thermal transfer ribbon, but is your best choice for printing reliable trouble-free barcode labels.


About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the USA, Europe, Taiwan, and China and its products are distributed world-wide.


Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers?  Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers,  wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

  • There are three basic kinds of thermal transfer ribbons that you need to be aware of: wax ribbons, wax/resin hybrid ribbons, and resin ribbons. Choosing the right thermal transfer ribbon for your printing application depends on your specific needs when it comes the use and environment of the printed label. Common uses for thermal transfer printing include things like: shipping labels, product serial number labels, price tags, and outdoor asset tracking labels.  Here are some things to consider when choosing thermal transfer ribbons:
    For economical thermal printing solutions on paper labels, wax ribbons work very well and are easily the most affordable. They require the least amount of heat to transfer ink, but produce labels that are the least durable. For paper surfaces that aren’t going to get a lot of contact or exposure to the elements, wax thermal transfer ribbons are a great choice.
    Resin ribbons offer the most durable solution when it comes to thermal transfer printing. They are the most expensive type of ribbons to buy, but they will allow printing on vinyl and other plastic materials. Resin is a harder ink and transfers at a higher temperature which creates a label that can withstand exposure to water, sunlight, and many chemicals without fading, or deterioration. For outdoor, high abrasion, or super long life applications, resin ribbon thermal transfer printing is your best choice.
    Finally, there is the wax/ resin hybrid ribbon. This ribbon is designed as a multi-purpose type of ribbon that offers versatility and durability for a variety of applications. Wax / resin ribbons can print on synthetic surfaces as well as traditional paper, and have moderate water and chemical resistance, so their application and cost are in between wax and resin. Wax / resin thermal transfer ribbons are slightly more expensive than wax ribbons, but offer a cheaper alternative to resin ribbons if you don’t really need the high-end thermal transfer ribbon printing performance.
    Determining the best thermal transfer ribbons for your bar code printers or label printers is a very important component for creating a successful printing application. By taking the time to understand the different kinds of ribbons that you have to choose from and what each one has to offer, you should have no trouble choosing the perfect thermal transfer printer ribbon for your needs. If you are still not sure what ribbon to select we welcome you call at GoDEX and we will be pleased to assist you.
    About The Author: GoDEX International is an engineering company that specializes in designing and manufacturing barcode printing products that lead the industry in the value price, high performance category. GoDEX has offices in the US, Europe, Taiwan and China and its products are distributed world-wide.

    Looking for more great information about barcode printers, barcode generator software or barcode label printers?  Below you will find a treasure chest of information that will help you increase your knowledge of barcode label printers,  wristband printer and thermal transfer printers.

A wireless network used for home, building and industrial control. Designed for low power drain, it is slower than Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

There are no terms begiging with the letter Y.

The width of the narrow bars and spaces in a bar code type; usually measured in mils.

An OS/400 program that serves as a link between an output queue and a printer. Normally the writer is started automatically at OS/400 IPL time.

Distance from which data on an RFID tag can be written or changed.

Work-In-Progress/Process. An application using bar code totes and bar code scanners to track lots through a manufacturing operation.

A compliance marking term. Warehouse Information Network Standard. Defines EDI transaction types for the warehouse industries.

A device that plugs in between a keyboard and a terminal or PC. Allows data to be entered either by the keyboard or an attached scanner.

See Light pen.

Wal-Mart made RFID front page news in 2003 when it issued a mandate requiring its top 100 suppliers to attach RFID tags positively identifying all cases and pallets by Jan. 1, 2005 . Wal-Mart has since relaxed its requirements allowing suppliers more time. But industry experts think eventually such tagging will become mandatory with suppliers to all major retailers.

A bar code verification term. An undesirable absence of ink in a bar.

Used in some hand laser scanners to project a beam of light visible to the human eye, simplifying the scanning process.

A bar code field printed in a rotation perpendicular to the horizon so that the individual bars appear as rungs on a ladder.

A device that makes measurements of the bars, spaces, quiet zones and optical characteristics of a bar code field to determine if the code meets the requirements of a specification or standard.

A compliance marking term. Uniform Product Carton Code, a standard administered by the UCC.

A UPC symbol encoding six digits of data in an arrangement that occupies less area than a UPC-A symbol. The UPC-E bar code type is a shortened version of the UPC-A bar code type in which zeroes are suppressed, resulting in codes that require less printing space. Used for labeling small items.

A fixed length, numeric, continuous bar code type used primarily in the retail industry for labeling packages. The UPC-A symbol encodes a number system character, 10 digits of data, and a Mod 10 check digit for error correction.

Universal Product Code. The standard bar code type for retail products in the United States . See also UPC-A and UPC-E.

Unique Item Identifier, a value in the Item Unique Identification system used by the US Department of Defense for the identification of accountable equipment as per DoD Instruction 5000.64.

Ultra High Frequency: transmitting between 300 MHz and 3 GHz. Typically UHF RFID tags operate in a region between 860 MHz to 960MHz. At present, there is no universally approved global frequency for UHF RFID use.

A printing method like thermal direct except a onetime ribbon is used and common paper is used as a supply. This eliminates the problems of fading or changing color inherent in thermal direct printing.

A printing method where dots are selectively heated and cooled and dragged upon heat-sensitive paper. The paper turns dark in the heated areas.

Timeand Attendance. An application using bar code employee badges and bar code slot reading terminals to enter employee start/stop data.

Transmission of data which does not use special control bits, but requires a master clock signal for coordination between the devices. The clock may be a separate signal, or it may be part of the data.

Bar code type.

The distance between the outside edges of the quiet zones on the two ends of a bar code field.

A combination of bar code characters, including start/stop characters, quiet zones, data characters, and check characters required by a particular symbology, which form a complete, scannable entity.

See substrate.

The surface on which a bar code field is printed. Can be a label, tag, or paper supply.

Component of a tag connecting the chip to the antenna.

A special bar code character that provides the scanner with start and stop reading instructions as well as scanning direction indicator.

A compliance marking term. A set of rules, specifications, instructions and directions to use a bar code or other automatic identification system. Usually issued by a trade organization.

An optional electromechanical accessory that is invaluable for unattended, organized, printing and cutting of multiple batches of tags.

Maxicode, 16K and Code 49 are examples where a long bar code field is broken into sections and “stacked” one upon the other, resulting in codes that are extremely compact.

A bar code verification term. The variation in sensitivity of a test surface to light of different wavelengths.

A bar code verification term. The thickness of a space measured from the edge closest to the symbol start character to the trailing edge of the same space.

System Network Architecture. Enterprise communications standard developed by IBM.

The process of applying an RFID label to a case or pallet just before it leaves a supplier’s facility. Often used by companies for basic compliance with companies to require shipments with RFID tags.

Stock Keeping Units. In a distribution/retail environment, a generic term for item number.

A bar code verification term. Generally undesirable property of a supply that permits underlying markings to be seen.

A bar code verification term. Substitution error rate. The rate of occurrence of incorrect characters.

Another name for a battery-assisted tag. Uses battery to run circuitry but does not broadcast its own signal.

Another name for a battery-assisted tag.

Synchronous data link control. Protocol supported by the IBM System i for communicating with other IBM System i (iSeries, AS/400), mainframe, System/36, and System/38 systems.

An electro/optical device that converts the bars and spaces of a bar code field into electrical signals.

Scale printer can print thermal tickets or thermal labels as industrial pre-packing application.

Distributed middleware designed by the Auto-ID Center to filter data from EPC readers and pass it on to enterprise systems.

wo way wireless protocol that uses Long Wave (LW) magnetic signals to send and receive data packets in a local regional network. Similar to WiFi and Bluetooth, but RuBee uses a lower frequency, slower carrier. RuBee, however offers low power consumption and operates near steel and water, making it practical for sensors, controls, or actuators and indicators.

A common communication interface standard that permits DTEs and DCEs to connect successfully.
RTLS (Real Time Location System)
Also called Real Time Locating Systems, RTLS tracks and identifies the location of objects in real time using badges or tags attached to or embedded in objects. 

Pilots that indicate a good return on investment (ROI) are then put into expanded deployment. This benefits the testing company and the RFID industry as a whole.

A plastic tape with several layers of material, one of which is thermal wax, that when melted, produces the visible marks on the labels installed on a thermal transfer printer.

Test for new RFID solutions. Pilots might be run by companies to help meet mandate requirements or to test new applications of RFID technologies.

Radio Frequency Identification. A method of uniquely identifying items by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic (radio) waves.

A technology that connects devices using electromagnetic waves instead of physical cabling.

The narrowest element dimension which can be recognized by a particular scanning device or printed with a particular device or method.

A bar code verification term. The ratio of the amount of light which is reflected back from the white spaces of a bar code during scanning to the amount of light reflected under similar illumination conditions.

Hardware that communicates with RFID tags. A reader has one or more antennas attached to it which emit radio waves and receive signals back from the tags. Many readers have the ability to write data as well as read data. See Interrogator.

Tags that can store and use new information. Can be changed many times by a reader.

Data stored in read-only RFID tags cannot be changed by a reader.

Bar codes: A bar code verification term. The ratio of the number of successful reads to the total number of attempts.
RFID: Indicates the number of tags that can be read within a given length of time. Read rate is also used as the maximum rate at which data can be read from a tag.

Distance from which a reader can communicate with a tag. Factors that affect the read range of a passive tag include frequency, reader power and antenna design.

Quick Response. A retail industry initiative to improve inventory turnaround through the use of EDI, bar code scanning, and the sharing of merchandise movement data with vendors.

A clear space, containing no machine readable marks, which precedes the start character of a bar code field and follows the stop characters. Sometimes called the “clear area.”

A label printing software application written by Godex that is provided for use with Godex printers.

A bar code verification term. The measure of compliance of a bar code symbol to the requirements of dimensional tolerance, edge roughness, spots, voids, reflectance, PCS, quiet zone, and encodation.

A bar code symbology used primarily by the U.S. Postal Service for mail sortation. All bars and spaces are the same width. ZIP Code information is encoded into the particular arrangement of tall and short bars.

A door or other point in a facility surrounded by fixed RFID readers to identify and track the flow of product. Dock doors are a typical example.

Price Look-Up. In a retail POS (Point Of Sale) system, the UPC bar code field is a key field in a price file that when scanned, retrieves a price for the encoded item.

A bar code type whose length is printed horizontally so that the bars are presented in an array which looks like a picket fence.

Portable Data File 417 is a two-dimensional bar code developed by Symbol Technologies, Inc. It is the most widely used 2D bar code (more than one row of codes) and it can hold up to 1,800 bytes of any digital data in an area the size of a business card.

ZSoft Paintbrush bitmap graphics file format.

A bar code verification term. Print contrast signal. A measurement of the ratio of the reflectivity between the bars and spaces of a bar code field, commonly expressed in percent.

An RFID that does not have its own transmitter and power source. The energy required to run the tag’s circuitry is obtained from the radio waves emanated by the reader.

The bars and spaces representing the start, stop, function codes and check characters required by some symbologies. These increase the length of the bar code but do not affect the message content.

Two possible bar code field orientations are horizontal with vertical bars and spaces (picket fence) and vertical with horizontal bars and spaces (ladder).

Added memory available on a tag that can be used by any member along the supply chain. Can be used for routing information or other applications to increase tracking efficiency.

The minimum distance a bar code can be away from a scanner and still be read.

A bar code verification term. 1).The optical property of a substrate material that measures the show through from the back side or the next sheet. 2).The ratio of the reflectance with a black backing to the reflectance with a white backing. 3).Ink opacity is the property of an ink that prevents the substrate from showing through.

A printing mode where one label at a time is printed. The label is presented to the operator, separated from the backing paper. When the label is taken from the printer, the next label is printed and presented. Also known as Demand mode.

Open Database Connectivity.

Optical Character Recognition. Technology for machine reading of human readable text.

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A bar code verification term. The exact (or ideal) intended value for a specified parameter. Tolerances are specified as positive and negative deviations from this value.

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology),  is a non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce.

A bar code verification term. Unit of measure used to define the wavelength of light.

MSI barcode with a single modulo 10 check digit.

A device where scanning is achieved by mechanically moving a light beam through the bars of a bar code field.

A range of techniques for encoding and transmitting information on a carrier signal. Types of modulation include frequency modulation, amplitude modulation and phase modulation.

The width of the narrow bars in a bar code.

A condition which occurs when the data output of a reader/decoder does not agree with the data encoded in the bar code field.

One one-thousandth of an inch (0.001″). Unit of measurement used in bar code specifications.

Software that sits between the reader and enterprise applications. Generally resides on a server. Middleware performs operations like filtering and smoothing of the raw RFID data. It can also manage networked readers.

High frequency wave. Microwave RFID tags typically operate at a frequency of 2.45GHz.

A machine readable symbol system UPS. Used for tracking and managing the shipment of packages. A MaxiCode resembles a barcode, but uses dots arranged in a hexagonal grid instead of bars. Because of its unique design, MaxiCode is often called “Bird’s Eye” or “Target.” The bull’s eye at the center allows MaxiCode symbols to be scanned and read regardless of orientation, even on a package traveling rapidly.

Strip of magnetic recording material on a card that contains data which can be read to identify the holder and or the associated account.

RFID over the 125Kz band. Usually used by small, inexpensive products with short read ranges (12 inches or less). Typical uses are security access cards quick payment applications.

A compliance marking term. Logistics of Marking and Reading symbols. A Department of Defense marking specification.

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